
Hello there!
We are the Lindsey's.
Our family is on a journey to adopt, and hope that our lives will be blessed with a little miracle.
We never realized how difficult it would be to build our family, especially after getting pregnant early on in our marriage, and giving birth to our little guy, Briggs.
As the years have gone on, and many unsuccessful fertility treatments later, we feel our inability to have more children has given us compassion for those who wait and sympathy for those who suffer, but mostly it has allowed us to open our hearts and lives to other possibilities. Briggs has wanted to be a big brother since he was two (he is now almost 6). He prays every night (without fail) for a brother AND a sister.
Our family loves to snuggle, laugh until we can't breath, wrestle & scream until our throats hurt, and ride our bikes to the beach. We hope to share these moments with other little ones.

To find out more about us, click "HERE"
(and please share our story with anyone you know who's looking for a loving family to adopt their child.)

Much Love,

Bryce, Sarah, & Briggs

Nov 10, 2014

Sneak Peak into our little family

To Contact us, and Check out our adoption profile, go to:

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